Margarita Island, Venezuela Weddings
Margarita Island, Venezuela is a great place for a memorable Wedding and Walter's Tours can help you with all the arrangements.

Required Documents:
- Passports (photocopy main page with picture)
- Single Statutory Declaration (Notarized)
- Decree Absolute (in case any of the party is divorced)
- Birth Certificates (and Parents date of birth)
- Occupation
Wedding Prices:
- US$ 1100 (including:)
- The lawyer's fees - translation of the ceremony from spanish to english.
- Transportation of the couple to the spot where they will get married,
- Transportation of the judge to the ceremony location,
- A bottle of champagne.
Optional Services:
- Photos (size 6 x 8) US$ 7 each and a minimum of 30 pictures. (PRO)
- Video (edited with music, 30 minutes duration) .... US$ 230
- Limosine .. US$ 90 per hour
- Bouquet ......... US$ 70 fresh flowers
- Corsage ..... US$ 15 fresh flowers
- Cake ................ US$ 40 per kilogram (2.2 pounds
Wedding Location:
- You will define the wedding location.
- We suggest a location on Margarita's Playa Caribe (Fabulous Sunsets!)
Some of our Guests' Wedding Pictures: