Google maps have been embedded in this website to help you get an idea of where things are on Margarita Island as
well as to get an idea of where Margarita Island is within the world. Please note that this help panel is not
visible when Google Earth mode is used.
Map Navigation Controls
The map navigation controls can be found in the top left corner of the map. They allow you to shift the map view area
in all direction around the current viewable area.

Pan Up - shift map view area upwards

Pan Down - shift map view area downwards

Pan Left - shift map view area to the left

Pan Right - shift map view area to the right

Zoom Out - Click this to get more of the map

Zoom In - Click this to get a closer look at the map
Panning can also be achieved by holding down the left mouse button and using the mouse to drag the map left, right, up
and down.
Basically, Google Maps lets you view a map of the world through a viewing area. To see more or less of the map
in the view screen you need to zoom out or zoom in. The panning buttons allow you to move the map under the viewing
area. If you want to look closer at a particlular area then you will want to use the panning buttons so that the
desired location is centered in the viewing area and then Zoom In.
Map Modes

Map - view roadways, population area and points of interest.

Sat - Satellite images

Ter - Terrain - Topographic Map

Earth - Google Earth functionality
Map, Sat and Ter modes are simple to use and quite useful. Earth mode is similar to Sat in they both use satellite
images but thats where the similarity end. Earth mode, if you are not familar with the Google Earth
application, can be a little bit tricky. Not only can you zoom in, zoom out and pan you can also spin the map around
or view from an angle. The reason for all this functionality is that you are you are looking at a globe rather than
a standard flat map. If you zoom out far enough you can see the entire earth and you can spin it around. If you
like this then I highly recommend downloading the Google Earth application. Its fascinating, its fun and best of all
its FREE!
* - Help panel is not visible when Earth mode is selected.
View Larger Map
Centered at the bottom of the map is a link which will launch a new browser tab or window with the full function
Google Maps webpage. Another way to get this is to click on the "Powered by Google" image in the bottom right corner
of the map.