Bird Watching - Margarita Island - Walter's Tours

There are a wide variety of birds that can be seen on Margarita Island and this tour will bring you toplaces on the island where you would most likely see them.

Bird Watching on the Macanao Peninsula, Margarita Island

The Macanao Peninsula is the western portion of Margarita Island, with a surface of over 100 sq. miles (more than 300 sq. Km.) As a consequence of its relative isolation, this region was left aside from the development progress, recently undergone by the rest of Margarita, still keeping this vast vegetation little disturbed and a diversity of fauna adapted to living in arid areas.

Adding many scenic beauties, Margarita Island constitutes a major potential for the developing of ECOTOURISM, mainly for birdwatchers. The bird communities of the Macanao Peninsula is composed of over 100 species, among which attractive endemic or restricted distribution subspecies, easily spotted from main roads or side dirt roads leading to beaches or hills.

Some of our bird communities are :

Yellow-shouldered Parrot

Yellow-shouldered Amazon

Amazona Barbadensis

Great Egret

Great Egret

Casmerodius Albus

White Necked Heron

White Necked Heron

Ardea Cocoi

Crested Caracara

Crested Caracara

Polyborus Plancus

Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

Pelecanus Occidentalis

Magnificent Frigatebird

Magnificent Frigatebird

Fregata Magnificens

Blue Crowned Parakeet (*)

Blue Crowned Parakeet

Aratinga Acuticaudata Neoxena (*)

Bay Winged Hawk

Bay Winged Hawk

Parabuteo Unicinctus

Buffy Hummingbird

Buffy Hummingbird

Leucippus Fallax

Vermilion Cardinal

Vermilion Cardinal

Cardinalis Phoenicius

Clapper Rail (**)

Clapper Rail

Rallus Longirostris Margaritae (**)

Brown Throated Parakeet

Brown Throated Parakeet

Aratinga Pertinax

American Flamingo

American Flamingo

Phoenicopterus Ruber

Black Skimmer

Black Skimmer

Rynchops Niger

Burrowing Owl

Burrowing Owl

Athene Cunicularia

Troupial (***)


Icterus Icterus (**)

Tropical Mockingbird

Tropical Mockingbird

Mimus Gilbus

Little Blue Heron

Little Blue Heron

Florida Caerulea

  * Margarita Island Race (Rare 100-200 birds)

 ** Margarita Island

*** Venezuela's National Bird