Margarita Island Hotels
A small selection of Margarita Island hotels recommended by Walter of Walter's Tours.
When we open a hotel brochure, we usually find the offered services in a way, that the hotel has already rated. In many countries the government has issued through a touristic department an official rating that should be a benefit to all guests. Sometimes both ratings are inaccurate.
In Venezuela, we often find hotels rated with (3), (4) or (5) Stars that couldn't possibly match similar ones in the USA or Europe. Overall, I would say that most times the problems are to be found in the service and manteinance areas; therefore, I have included my own ratings, using PEARLS as a symbol to give you an idea of what to expect. Having said that, you will find almost everywhere that the greatest potencial hotels have are the people working there.
Here in Margarita, some years ago, I provided tour services to guest staying in a hotel that was a "dump" - today, for our good sake, that hotel is no longer open. In a way, I always said to myself, that if I ever had the chance to inform people in advance....
I have been offered hotel prices, that sometimes are a Real Value. In order to work with you, I have to follow this steps:
- Place your RESERVATION
- Walter's Tours will notify you via Email about your reservation
- If reservation is available, you must make a full deposit in our account.
- Send us via Fax the money deposit receipt. Fax Nr. ( 011) 5895 743756 (from USA or Canada)
- Walter's Tours will send you via email or fax your Hotel Confirmation Voucher.